If you find yourself in money trouble, and are not sure what you can do to get back on your feet, you may want to consider hiring a bankruptcy lawyer. Financial problems cause enough stress that you don’t need added mistakes in court to your personal nightmare. A good one will be able to come up with all the paper work you need to have a successful case, and get your life back on track. There are several things to look for when looking for an attorney to represent you.
One of the things you need to look for is a bankruptcy lawyer who does only that. This will insure that he has the necessary experience to research your case, and make sure he has what you need to win. A great way to know that you have a reputable one, is that he is certified by the American Board of Certification, as many of them are not.
Another thing you need to do is know what the pros and cons are of the different firms. You can go with a larger firm, and possibly have many different attorneys to choose from, possibly with more experience. You could also have the option of a smaller firm, where your case might receive more attention, but may rely more on paralegals to help. Either way, your lawyer will be easy, so your case will take some time.
Next, you could contact your state’s bar association to find a list of attorneys that practice in your area. They will also know about any complaints that have arisen against any of them. That may be a simpler way to find a new one to assist you.
Fourthly, you can contact the bankruptcy court in your area, and inquire about a list of lawyers that are practicing. These courts will often give referrals to help customers, not necessarily as an endorsement. It will usually come with information packets from each firm that includes something about the attorney, the process, and how much it costs.
Finally, you should make appointments with some that you have gotten referrals to. Each first consultation with a bankruptcy attorney is usually free, and will help you see if you would benefit from the service. You can also get an idea of how experienced each is, how organized his office is, and how busy he is, so that you will have an idea of how your case will be handled.
Keep in mind, however, that bankruptcy should be a last resort option, and there are costs to it, including court costs and attorney fees, and that there are consequences, such as a loss of buying power and credit. So, after a consultation with an attorney, if you decide that is the way you need to go to remove your high debt, then make sure you have one with a good reputation of following your case from start to finish, and getting you the best results.